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Coffee in society
  1. National Coffee Association: ‘The History of Coffee’. Available at:
  2. Ellis M. (ed.): Eighteenth-Century Coffee-House Culture. London, Pickering & Chatto, 2006.
  3. Habermas J.,: The structural transformation of the public sphere, The MIT Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 1991.
  4. Stafford T. (2003): Psychology in the coffee shop. The Psychologist, 16(7):358-359.
  5. Cacioppo J.T and Cacioppo S. (2014): Older adults reporting social isolation or loneliness show poorer cognitive function 4 years later. Evidence Based Nursing, 17:59-60.
  6. Quattrochi-Tubin S. and Jason L.A. (1981): Enhancing social interactions and activity among the elderly through stimulus control. Journal of Applied Behaviour Analysis, 131:159-163.
  7. Topik S. (2009): Coffee as a Social Drug.Project MUSE, 71:81-106.
  8. Stroebaek P. (2013): Let’s Have a Cup of Coffee! Coffee and Coping Communities at Work. Symbolic Interaction, 36(4):381-39.